This procedure works the same way with both Jetty 4.x or Jetty 5.x.

  • Download Jetty 5.0 from this link.

  • Unpack the Jetty archive and change working dir to Jetty-5.0.0

  • Locate the file etc/demo.xml and copy it to to etc/xcast.xml

  • Edit etc/xcast.xml adding the following lines where you find a lot of similar entries:

    /xc-ast/* /webapps/xc-ast/
  • Unpack xc-ast within the directory webapps; rename the unpacked directory xc-ast (it is usually something like xc-ast-0.6.0-eval)

  • Add the required jars (see Adding third-party modules to XC-AST) and create the required database (see Creating XC-AST database).

  • Start jetty with java -jar start.jar etc/xcast.xml

  • Point your browser to if you are on the same Linux box, or http://my_server_address:8080/xc-ast if you are not .

There you are!