Day of Week Calculator
//********************** // Calendar Functions (place in extensions.ael, requires 1.2) //********************* // Return the day of the week for any given date, 0=Sunday… // YY is (4) digit year // MM is (2) digit Month // DD is (2) digit Day // The day of the week is returned via ${Weekday} // Example Call: Macro(Calendar_Weekday,2006,05,14,${DayofWeek}) // Upon return ${DayofWeek} will contain the Weekday string. // macro Calendar_Weekday(YY,MM,DD,Weekday) { Set(wd=$((${DD}+1) + ${MM}2 + (${MM}+1)3/5 + ${YY} + {YY}/4 - ${YY}/100 + ${YY}/400) % 7); switch (${wd}) { case 0: Set(Weekday=Sunday); break; case 1: Set(Weekday=Monday); break; case 2: Set(Weekday=Tuesday); break; case 3: Set(Weekday=Wednesday); break; case 4: Set(Weekday=Thursday); break; case 5: Set(Weekday=Friday); break; case 6: Set(Weekday=Saturday); break; default: Set(Weekday=Unknown); }; };