..to be completed….

Checking the database can be written to

Checking if data is present in the database

  1. connect to the QueueMetrics database using a MySQL shell or GUI
  2. issue the following query:

    select partition, queue, count(*) as n_records from queue_log group by partition, queue order by partition, queue

The result should look something like:

| partition | queue            | n_records |
| P003      | myqueue          |         9 |
| P003      | NONE             |       121 |
| P003      | queue-abc        |      2096 |
| P003      | queue-test       |      1341 |
| P003      | UNK              |        17 |
| P01       | qq-group         |     33000 |
| P01       | cust-rajax       |       204 |
| P01       | NONE             |      8139 |
| rt        | NONE             |      8064 |
| rt        | q1               |      9216 |
| rt        | q2               |      9216 |
11 rows in set (0.16 sec)

This report shows:

  • That we are using three distinct partitions: P003, P01 and rt. You will at first find only one.

  • For each partition, we see the Asterisk queue names involved plus the special keyword NONE

  • For each queue, we get an idea of how many records it generated, i.e. how big it was. As a rough estimate, consider that each call generates an average of around three records.

Checking all data is in the database

If you want a breakdown by day of the contents of the each partition, you can run the following query:

SELECT partition, FROM_UNIXTIME(time_id, '%Y%m%d' ) as date, count(*) as n_rows 
FROM queue_log 
GROUP BY partition, FROM_UNIXTIME( time_id, '%Y%m%d' )
ORDER BY partition, FROM_UNIXTIME( time_id, '%Y%m%d' );

The result will look something like:

| partition | date     | n_rows |
| P01       | 20070329 |   4216 |
| P01       | 20070411 |      5 |
| P01       | 20070412 |      3 |
| rt        | 20070508 |   9365 |
| rt        | 20070509 |  13248 |
| rt        | 20070510 |   3883 |
6 rows in set (0.45 sec)